Making literature fun with AR reading

Augmented reality is set to gain popularity – and sophistication – in the 2020s. Evidently, projects like Pokemon Go and Harry Potter: Wizards Unite prove the masses are already on board. Could these successes have an effect on the world of literature with AR reading?

READ: How quickly will Gen Z adopt smart glasses?

Since television first emerged in 1927, children favour screens over pages. Granted, phenomenons like J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter franchise led young masses back into bookstores and libraries.

Could smart glasses bring about a similar wave of literary enthusiasm? Evidently, the popularity of smartphone games suggest kids love anything that’s interactive and gamified.


AR reading could turn kids into page-turners
Credit: FluentU


Augmented Hogwarts

As a result, video games could encourage young minds to crack open a novel. Taking the capabilities of e-readers like Kindle to the next level, smart glasses could turn books into video games. 

AR reading possibilities are endless:

  1. Software could track each and every word in a book. From the Table of Contents to the About the Author section, lenses could scan entire pages. Imagine pressing control + F on your favorite book.
  2. Readers could use voice recognition to ask their glasses where to find specific plot points or quotes.
  3. A rewards system could give readers points for reaching pivotal story moments or for finishing a chapter.
  4. Reading speed could be tracked. To discourage cheating, scores can’t be registered unless a comprehension test is passed.
  5. Lenses could display 3D renderings of characters in the corner of a child’s eye. This could be turned off to encourage readers to use their imaginations. 


Vuzix Blade smart glasses are making an impact on several industries
Credit: NextReality


AR reading and Industry 4.0

Smart glasses have the potential to replace smartphones over the next decade. Innovations like AR reading will help pave the way toward this future.

Evidently, there is an appetite for such innovation. Imagine accessing all the benefits of digital technology without having to pull anything out of your pocket. There exists an access barrier that needs to be overcome.

Perhaps more importantly, smart glasses could use augmented reality to get young learners excited about literature. Today’s parents complain about the amount of time children spend on their phones. 

With AR reading, smart glasses could use what kids love about smartphones for educational purposes. 


A Disclaimer Note from the Author: On Fridays we often let our imagination run wild at Vuzix. With our ‘Future Friday’ segment, we explore the endless possibilities offered by smart glasses. We encourage you to provide your feedback as your input will help us make these dreams a reality.
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