A new leader in physical distancing tech

Like so many companies, Swedish-Swiss multinational ABB was stonewalled in March 2020. The robotics and automation powerhouse needed a way to protect its workforce and customers without sacrificing output. 

To address this issue, ABB equipped its roster of experienced technicians with Vuzix M400 Smart Glasses. 

READ: Vuzix M4000 a Breakthrough in Hands-Free Wearable Tech

  • Optimized with SoftFoundry’s FacePro Xpert System, the devices allow technicians to receive hands-free support from off-site experts. 
  • Users say it’s like having an instructor over their shoulder.  
  • With 4K video, ABB techs can receive high-resolution support from anywhere.

 ABB Technicians rely on Vuzix M400 and M4000 Smart Glasses for hands-free remote technical support
Image credit: SoftFoundry


A solution to pandemic-related support challenges

ABB’s experience demonstrates what smart glasses can offer businesses:


Remote Training

In technical disciplines, training can be exclusively performed using wearable display tech. Off-site instructors can monitor their student’s first-person view, helping employees in training perform complex installs and repairs. 



Travel Costs

There’s no need for ABB to fly technicians across Switzerland. Vuzix’s collaboration with SoftFoundry means experts can be remotely looped-in to anything that requires their attention. This sets them up to significantly reduce airfare costs.



Physical Distancing

Not only do Smart Glasses eliminate the need for multiple people in the same room, they increase worker output.


ABB is benefiting from the face-to-face communication offered by Vuzix M400 Smart Glasses. 

Learn how hands-free wearable tech can make your business more productive while cutting on costs. 


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